Photo: St. Norbert College. Retrieved from www.pinterest.com
St. Norbert College is currently the only Norbetine College in the world! What does this mean for students? This means that students can indulge in an educational experience that is based on traditions and heritage passed down since 1121. St. Norbert College is dedicated to welcoming students of all geographic regions, backgrounds and cultures to uniform together to achieve their goals and obtain a state of the art education. Passing down traditions as well as providing students with the tools to create their own traditions are a big part of campus life at the College. All students are encouraged on a daily basis to achieve their own ideals of educational, spiritual and personal development, as they strive towards their professional goals.
St. Norbert College offers a wide range of majors in addition to their infamous liberal arts programs. Consistently ranked in the top ten Catholic liberal arts colleges in the country, St. Norbert College offers students the surrounding and support needed to excel far into their futures. Students are able to develop strong leadership skills through the organizations, programs and community service opportunities available on and off campus, as well as in the classroom. The College provides a strong curriculum for students that encumbers the intellectual subject matter to prepare them for their careers as well as the skills, character traits and qualities that will help them develop into model citizens and professionals on an individual level.
School History
The roots of St. Norbert College stem from the heritage and services of Norbert of Xanten, who started the religious order now known as the Norbetines in 1211. Although the College was founded in 1898, with the intentions of preparing men for priesthood, St. Norbert College has since grown to educate men and women alike in many subject areas including liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. However, the school has not lost touch with its founding roots, still maintaining the balance between strong personal development and service to the outside community. The foundation of St. Norbert College is based on creating a solid educational atmosphere where students can fulfill the true meaning of the Communio concept – meaning the development of mass esteem and success amongst a community. This concept is carried out at the College almost effortlessly by implementing the three core values of the school – Catholic traditions, liberal arts traditions and the Norbetine tradition.
St. Norbert College was accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools in 1934 and has since been reaffirmed every ten years.
The motto of St. Norbert College reflects the dedication of the founders, staff, faculty and fellow students to succeed in making their mark in the world. “Docere Verbo et Exemplo” – to teach by word and example. This attitude and outlook on life enables students at St. Norbert College the room needed to find their own sense of individuality and spread their own example around the world. Since the opening of the school, students have been inspired to get involved with their communities, campus life and even international travel to spread the Norbetine traditions wherever possible. Many students over the years have traveled around the word, never forgetting their Norbetine roots.
Campus Life
Life on St. Norbert College campus is built upon a solid foundation of support, civility and equality. Students can take advantage of living, working and studying within the student community, finding the support they need the entire way through. There are over 60 clubs and organizations that hold routine meetings and events for students and faculty. Most of these organizations are student operated, enabling students to develop friendships, skills and leadership qualities that will help them excel in the work force.
St. Norbert College offers students plenty of dinning services on campus, however there are also many restaurants, eateries and coffee shops located just outside campus grounds. Many students venture off campus for a late night snack, or to enjoy the various shops and boutiques. Since the majority of students live on campus, there are always plenty of people to surround yourself with and enjoy the college experience to the fullest.
Housing on campus creates a sense of home for any student. There are over ten different housing arrangements for students to take advantage of on campus. Many students utilize the residential halls, commonly arranged by special interests and organizations or the apartment and townhouse complexes. First year students can take advantage of housing in some of the most historic buildings on campus with other first year students. This enables students to adapt to college life with the help of their peers, building friendships and quickly adjusting to their new found independence.
Financial Aid
A strong education and college experience for any student should not be accompanied by the stress of paying for it. St. Norbert College offers plenty of financial aid resources to help students handle the financial aspect of tuition and expenses. Over 90% of the student body at St. Norbert College is awarded financial aid. Over 35% of students obtain full scholarships as well. Financial aid counselors are always available to discuss options with both students and their families in order to alleviate the stress of paying for school out of pocket.
Students may apply for government loans such as TAP and FAFSA loans online, as well as by obtaining an application from the Financial Aid Office. Upon admission, many students are awarded merit based scholarships that can accommodate anywhere from $1,000 to a full tuition ride. Need based grants are available based on special circumstances and situations. For those students that would prefer not to utilize loan options, St. Norbert College offers a work study program to enable students to utilize their studies while working hands-on in the field. Positions are available both on and off campus and can often times be related to their field of study.
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