You can find liberal arts colleges across the United States. Most are private schools located in small towns and most are in the midwest and east coast. There are some top liberal arts colleges in the south and on the west coast as well. Unlike the large universities who encourage professors to publish research, the academic environment provided by these colleges focuses on student teaching. Most of the liberal arts colleges found here don't offer any graduate programs, as their primary objective is to educate undergraduate students. This means small average class sizes and personal … Learn more...
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US News College Rankings
14 Reasons Why US News College Rankings are Meaningless
US News and World Report released its US News College Rankings, including "National Universities Rankings," "Liberal Arts Colleges Rankings," and about 50 more. Parents, high school guidance … Learn more...
Skip the Technical Degree
Why a Liberal Arts Degree Might Be a Better Choice than a Technical Degree
Does anyone really know what they want to do with the rest of their life at age 18? Perhaps, but the problem with technical undergraduate degrees is that if you end up changing your mind about a … Read more...
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