Photo by: Madmaxmarchhare. Retrieved from: www.commons.wikimedia.org
Students that attend Ripon College can immediately sense the dedication and ambition of the school to provide an encouraging atmosphere for students to develop their own innovative ideas. At Ripon, traditions are everything! For this reason, you will always find tons of activities, groups and seminars taking place on campus grounds. With a small student-faculty ratio, students are given the attention they need to help guide them through the most vital years of their lives – the college experience. Although academic studies are of the utmost importance at Ripon College, the faculty and staff encourage students to also balance their schedules with leisure activities to keep their minds fresh and stimulated.
Since the majority of students travel form both out of state and out of the country, Ripon College remains dedicated to providing a safe and supportive atmosphere that accepts diversity and encourages equal unity and civility. There are over 70 organizations and over 20 varsity athletic teams that students can participate in to help them develop their skills and talents while studying for their professional career ventures. Building a well rounded atmosphere that assist students in becoming well rounded citizens and professionals is the main goal at Ripon College.
School History
Founded in 1851, Ripon College had originally started as a prep school. It was not until 1863 that it was converted into a four year college – having its first four graduates, all women, in 1867. The direct attention and close dedication to students is still carried out today in the classroom and campus atmosphere. Even the campus grounds have a rich history, as many of the original buildings still stand and used in some facet. In fact, in 1995, 10 of the buildings on the Ripon College campus were inducted into the National Register of Historic Places.
Ripon College is accredited by the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges since 1913. However in 1995, the college earned approval of their assessment plan.
Ripon College students have been encouraged to express their passion and talent for the arts and expression since the earlier ages, producing things such as College Days, the monthly literary magazine in established in 1868. This is currently the oldest published college newspaper in Wisconsin which has been consistently published. By 1911, the debate team of Ripon College wrote the constitution for Pi Kappa Delta and currently continues the chapter traditions.
Campus Life
Life at Ripon College can be anything but dull and uninteresting. The campus grounds hosts everything from career development services, job fairs and professional services to an in –house fitness center and food service. Students can utilize a wealth of programs and assistance from the Health & Counseling Services to help them transition into the college life and still stay on top of their medical and fitness health. Many students take advantage of the Information Technology Services as well to ensure that all equipment and access is running smoothly. Ripon College offers a close-knit community for students to feel safe, relaxed and comfortable to develop into mature adults and professionals.
Residential life on campus is both convenient and accommodating with constant shuttle and transportation services running both on and off campus. There are plenty of residence halls to chose from that are able to accommodate single bedrooms, 2 bedrooms and in some locations, three bedroom housing facilities so students can house with fellow classmates – making the transition less uncomfortable. Student Support Services are available anytime to answer any questions, handle issues and guide students in the right direction based on their needs. For those who choose to live off campus, counselors are available to help find potentially housing that is easy accessible to the school.
Ripon College is one of the few colleges to offer student health insurance. This enables students who are not covered on their own or under another policy to receive the medical attention they need consistently and in case of emergency without accruing additional expenses or risk. Students can find an up to date list of activities, orientations, and meetings that are scheduled on and off campus on the Student Services board and online.
Financial Aid
Ripon College understands that students have enough on their minds when entering into the college years. It is a critical time in the student’s life as well as for the family that supports them. Obtaining the right financial aid can make a world of difference when it comes times to pay tuition and fees associated with college life. For this reason, the Office of Financial Aid offers year round availability to help students explore their financial aid options.
Ripon College offers students a wealth of options when ready to apply for financial aid such as various merit based scholarships, awards and athletic scholarships. Ripon honors all government insured loans and grants, and actively strives to assist students applying for NYS TAP and FAFSA loans. Work study programs are available at Ripon – providing students with positions both on and off campus. Many first year students are eligible to receive merit based awards towards their sophomore year.
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